Part 2 - Templating in Flask.

October 8th, 2020 1 min read


Templating in flask is super simple. Flask uses Jinja templating engine. We render templates using render_template() function in flask. Here is a example,

from flask import render_template

def templateView():

We need to keep out all the templates in templates directory. You may nest in with other directories if you want.

Passing Data into Template

Now we will learn how to pass data into the template from the flask view.

from flask import render_template

def templateView():
    name = 'Ketan'
    render_template("template_name.html", { "name" : name })

We need to pass the data in template with the use of dictionary. In template we can access this data by,

<h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>

In next blog we will learn how to use template literals.

Thank You for reading. 😊

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